SOMA: A Fascinating 3D Puzzle

The SOMA cube is a three-dimensional puzzle invented by Danish polymath Piet Hein in 1933 during a lecture on quantum mechanics by Werner Heisenberg.

The puzzle consists of seven different pieces, each formed by joining unit cubes, which can be assembled into a 3×3×3 cube. These pieces can also be used to create a variety of other three-dimensional shapes, making SOMA a source of both entertainment and mental stimulation.

SOMA Allied Partners

We are proud to collaborate with a range of partners who share our passion for the iconic SOMA puzzle. These partnerships celebrate creativity, quality, and the timeless appeal of this classic puzzle.

To ensure the authenticity and quality of your SOMA experience, we recommend purchasing original SOMA products directly from us or through our trusted partners. Look for the Piet Hein License logo as seen below to recognize our official SOMA Allied Partners:

Explore Our Partners

Betzold Visit their website here.


Philos Visit their website here.


Together with our partners, we continue to bring Piet Hein’s SOMA puzzle to enthusiasts worldwide.